What is this?

I have a lot of really weird dreams. I try to write them down in a journal immediately upon waking up, if I can. Occasionally I will have lucid dreams with the ability to control everything within the dream world, most of the time however it is as if I am in autopilot and/or playing a role in film. I frequently fail to document my dreams before they completely escape my mind but the more I document and remember, the more often I find myself able to lucid dream. Anyway, without further ado here are some...

Excerpts from my dream journal

Date: 4/27/2024

I was in a body that was not my own. I was a man, ten or fifteen years older than I am, in some far-future space military organization. With me were a number of other men, most around my current age and we were all dressed in grey jumpsuits. We were on a transport vessel which was just arriving at its destination. The vessel docked, and we disembarked from the transport to board a small spaceport. It was something of a penal unit, a facility where the misfits were sent, far away from where they could interfere with anything important. Along with the officers responsible for processing new arrivals was the commanding officer of this spaceport. She spoke to her new crewmembers in a most condescending manner. It was quite apparent that in her time commanding this spaceport her position had gone to her head. As the line of tired new arrivals progressed slowly forward and I reached her, I quietly informed her that she should check the passenger manifest for the transport vessel once more. She did so, and upon realizing who I was her demeanor instantly changed. I then informed her I would be taking command of this spaceport. The two of us then went to the bridge, where I officially assumed command.

Date: 3/14/2024

This was another dream which resumes after waking and falling asleep again. (On nights with significant dream activity I tend to awaken and fall back asleep very often.) Throughout this dream I awoke and fell back asleep three or four times, and this was represented in the dream by way of each segment being a new day. The setting in which the dream took place was a college campus or some manner of other old, prestigious institution. I was not attending as a student, but may have been in the process of applying for or interviewing for a job there. I'd been assigned my own room, and each time the dream resumed I found myself going through a morning routine there before setting out for the day. On the first day while exploring the campus I found a vast network of catacombs which stretched beneath many of the buildings. Interred here were a great many people which the insitution held in high regard, and many people were employed to keep these tombs secure and in pristine condition. Through my time exploring these tall, arched passageways I befriended a number of the staff and learned much about the history of this place. I'd eventually be made aware that there were some who disapproved of my intrusion into this sacred area, though they must not have cared all that much because nobody ever stopped me. On my second or third day on campus, I became friends with a robot. It was one of many, but it was unique in that it was a much older model than the others. On the final day I learned that one of the newer robots was recieving an experimental software update, and I told this to the older one I had befriended. Though I thought it might find this interesting, it instead became irate that it was not the one to recieve this software update and flew into a rage. It ran off, and I could not keep up with it. Fearing that it might go on a rampage or otherwise hurt the researchers who had developed the new software, I went to a security desk in the catacombs to notify a guard of the situation.

Date: 3/22/2022

Some friends and I walk around the edge of a pond. A massive, terrifying turtle-beast rises from the placid water. It approaches more quickly than it had the last time we had encountered it, giving us no chance to flee. We cower in fear but rather than attack... It simply asks that I apologize for having transgressed against it in some way. I do so, and it promptly transforms into a nude human woman. She joins our party and as we continue to walk along, I try to recruit her to work at a law firm which only takes on cases regarding land conservation. Immediately after this, we stumble upon a number of icecream sandwiches that had been discarded on the ground near a small building.

Date: Unknown

I was at school, a university. The building looked like it was out of some steampunk anime film. A friend from my waking life was attending with me (We'll call them Rob). Rob, some other friends and I board an exposed elevator witth an open elevator shaft and suspiciously short guard rails. We ride down many floors before reaching a long forgotten and very much forbidden area. It looks to be full of dusty laboratory equipment. Machines, glassware and all manner of strange technology are strewn about the workbenches and stacked high upon the floor. Rob stays nearby, but one of our friends moves towards the back of the room before seeing something unsettling. We leave immediately, returning via the same elevator to the main floor.

Time skips foward, it is now evening. Myself and many other students are gathered on a roof of one of the buildings, for an announcement or event. I look over the city surrounding the school. It is a strange mix of Victorian London and towering brutalist cyberpunk structures. A tall hill rises from the center of the city. As I look over this hillside, I hear a scream. My attention snaps back to the students standing around me and notice that a number of them have seemingly teleported from the rooftop and are now suspended, floating in the air high above the ground. In unison they fall, landing with sickening sounds.

Date: 5/18/2015

I was the subject of some kind of Govt. investigation. At first it was a covert operation, with agents placing listening devices in/around my cottage. Eventually though, the two agents on the case moved in to live with me for some reason. They made terrible roommates, acting more like mob henchmen running a protection racket than anything else. One of them ruined my copy of the Codex Seraphinianus while "admiring" it.

Date: 9/23/2013

I careen through upper Martian atmoshere, not within the safety of a spacecraft but clad only in a space suit and gripping onto a messy folding card table for dear life. Flames lick around the table from shock heating, and singe my gloves while my fingers cling to its edges as tightly as they can. As I watch the ground fast approaching, a small building comes into view. I shift my weight on the table, angling it so that I will drift over the building. In doing so, the flash drives which had somehow remained on the table all this time nearly fall off the edge. I crash through the roof! I sit up, dazed and find myself in a bathroom... I remember it is imperative that I remain unseen by the Soviets who operate this facility. Unfortunately, my less than graceful entry alerts them to my presence and a tall woman in a dark green Soviet uniform enters the bathroom, lit cigarette in hand. She laughs and flicks ash onto my lightly toasted space suit.

Date: 2/11/2012

My arm came off. I wasn't particularly bothered about it.

Date: 1/31/2012

I am running along the shoulder of the freeway. My friend pulls up alongside, keeping slow pace with me and we exchange greetings. Just then an officer pulls in front of us and makes as if to stop but instead then slowly moves to the lane furthest from us. I tell my friend I need to get to school and wave goodbye to him. He drives off into the distance and as I continue to run the traffic gets... weird.

Date: 1/31/2012

I find myself laying in bed, I am in the cottage... but it looks different in a way that I cannot identify. I try to sleep, but the room begins shaking! I have a sudden feeling that there are bad people hiding in the cottage just out of view. Just as I have this thought, a man steps out of my bathroom, startling me. He looks familiar but I can't quite recognize him. He tells me where we met, but I don't remember. With urgency in his voice he tells me that I need to come with him. I decline. Suddenly I have a vision of a different man being struck by a steam train.

Date: Unknown

I find myself walking through an airport. I look outside to see a man standing outside, on the apron. He becomes a Gundam and flies away. Suddenly, I find that I am outside the airport standing on the apron as well and spread my arms to take flight myself. I see below me on the runway a collection of large boxes with windows drawn on them in marker to create a simple cardboard city diorama. I land near the box city and contemplate removing it from the runway, but laughter coming from nearby catches my attention. I look behind one of the boxes to see two women sitting under a wooden table. I join them and we hang out for a while.